Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Why can't we just get along?

I will meet with the leaders of Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and Syria to resolve and improve relations with those countries. We should do what we did during the Cold War which is meeting with our enemies who are against us.

Barack Obama

Not supporting America
If you want to end the war and make peace with Iran, fine but I'm not going to help you.

Joe Biden

Republicans fighting back

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Q What would happen if Saturn lost its rings?

A It would get a divorce

We needed an idiot and we found one.

This is the right job for me

Israel is the enemy of the Islamic state and must be eliminated.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

How one idoit got Iran into the mess it is in today.

I will resolve relations with our enemies
Barack Obama

Good chocolate Bad chocolate

We have a deal.
We're going to be poor.

This is why they still hate us.

Do I really look like him?

Its going to be like Carter all over again. High gas prices and Iran becoming the enemy.

Monday, September 28, 2009

I think war is a good thing what ended slavery in America? I think that pacifism is wrong when we are at war and I think war is right.
Worst of the worst
Democrats don't resolve problems, they make it worse

Notice any simularties?

Does this remind you of Bill Clinton playing the sax?

Is this man insaine or what?

Do we want World War III? Iran does.

Israel should be whipped off the map
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

obama nation

Barack Obama isn't doing a great job as president, Barack Obama is going to Denmark to meet with member of the Olympic committee while a general in stranded in Afghanistan in the fight against the Taliban. Do you think we are going to win with Obama in office? I don't because he weak and won't work. While a general is stranded in a conflict that has been going on for nine years, Obama on a plane with Oprah bound for Denmark. We need help but find figure it out on your own because I'm not helping you win this war. This is Obama Nation refusing to help a general win a war, fire the chief executive of General Motors and then purchase it and now you aren't going to fight back because you have the media as an ally. And Michelle Obama she does look like James Brown and wrote papers blaming America when she was in college, she also began the 20 year relationship with Reverend Wright and said she was never proud of her country until her husband took the lead in the polls. Is that what we need in a First Lady? Dolley Madison did a better job as Mrs. President than Michelle Obama and her husband, he would rather get his town to host the 2016 Olympics than help his own country. Isn't that appalling? this idoit has never held a job in his entire life and has very little experience in foreign affairs. He is going to go down all the way to the bottom as one of the worst presidents of all time.

michred.jpg image by michelleobamawatch

Obama and Reverend Wright. racist and stupid.

obama and iran

Obama wants peace with Iran


Obama hood Steals from the rich gives to the poor. Gives health care and pulls troops out Iraq.

My thoughts

Michelle Obama is a dark piece of chocolate

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My thoughts on Obama

I think it was historic to see a black president because only in America could a black man become president not in France, Japan, or Germany but only in the United States. For example it was historic to see John F Kennedy a Catholic become president in 1960, that was historic. However there was a major difference with the media during JFK's campaign in the 1960s. While in 2008 the media wasn't doing its job correctly mainly due Obama's 20 year relationship with his pastor Reverend Jeremiah Wright (the same man who did the Obama's marriage and the title of Obama's 2006 book the Audacity of Hope. However it Michelle Obama who began the 20 year relationship with Reverend Wright and durring her years at Princeton she wrote some awful things about America and said she was proud of her country because hope was making a comeback and people really wanted change. Wells here what really happened, Americans were furious at George Bush and Dick Chenney and they wanted change so Barack Obama became a voice for the avridge Amercian becaue he promiced to shutdown Guantanamo Bay, provide universal Health Care, and end the war in Iraq, wells here what I say if we shutdown Guantanmo and begin the Iraq withdraw we will get attacked by Al Queda or go to war with Iran. Plus I think Universal Health Care would bankrupt the entire country, plus he's never held a job in his entire life and will be reconized as one of the worst presidents.