Thursday, April 22, 2010

Has Nancy Pelosi become Obama's partner in crime? Well considering the two pushed health care through Congress even though it was opposed by most Americans.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

With Brad Keslelowski's move to the Blue Due mean he will finally have a sponsor? Well after driving with no sponsor except the Penske logo and Dodge shows that he is ready to move on?

Amanda Bynes
Is that the side of Amanda Bynes that is never seen. She is now all grown and more beautiful and attactive than ever.
With Arizona cracking down on Illegal Immigration, does that mean John Mccain will lose his Senate Seat. Well he is falling behind in the polls.

After an oustanding 2009 season, Sebastian Vettel has finally moved up as one of F1's top rising stars. Look he's the youngest pole sister and race winner.

Bush and Cheney are still getting complete disrespect even after they left office. That is just awful.
When Jimmie Johnson began his Nascar career, Jeff Gordon began to fall down considering that Johnson was betting him and by 2006 had won his first championship followed by four straight titles in 2007, 2008, and 2009.

Progressivism is America's cancer considering how labor union grew to the height at the beginning of the 20th century and constitutional amendments were added that authorized income tax and extended the election of senators.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Is Gincancarlo Fisichella's Ferrari's backup driver considering that he did a great job when filed in for Felipe Massa last year.

The Surgien's photo, the most famous photograph of the Loch Ness Monster was revelied to be a fake but does that mean that Nessie isn't real.

Barack Obama
Did Barack look better in khakis than jeans? Considering how inappropriate he dressed at the All Star Game last year this time he does look appropriate for how a President would dress.

Are faith, hope, and charity being demolished? Well we were founded by people who came to America to escape religious persecution and we are the nation of hope. But most importantly we are the most helping nation.

Why are sharks given a bad reputation as maneater when they really don't go around attack human? That was only in the movies.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Was David Coultard really Mcleran's best number 2 driver considering he was Mika Hakkineon team for so long and he continued racing until he retired in 2008.
Waterboarding saved lives, it is incredibly stupid that Obama banned torture when torture saved thousands of lives.

What a recovery, Denny Hamlin ran the entire race at Phoenix after knee surgery. He then came to Texas racing the entire race full time and he won.

Does Wall Street want to be renamed Obama Street? Well he's doing absolutely nothing to help the economy.

These people are peaceful so why are they getting a bad rap? It might because thoose whose who disagree with Obama are racist.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

With Ryan Hunter Reay's win at Long Beach, does that make his Indy's next big American. Well that is true considering that Marco Andretti is making a big comeback.

Nico Rosberg has been kicking Michael Shumacher's but so far but how long will it last until Michael returns to winning form?

Is that who Jimmy Carter resembles, Elmer Fudd? He really does act just like Elmer Fudd.
Does this show that Jenson Button made the right choose by leaving Brawn GP to Mclaren Mercadies? Well so far he is beating his teammate.

The whole cherry tree with George Washington was just a way to show how important honesty is. Look we have unhonest people running our government, honesty really is important.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Denny Hamlin ran the entire race at Phoenix with out pulling on to pitlane and letting Casey Mears drive. How amazing is that?
How come Al Gore Democrat has been saying that global warming is real when Republicans have done more for the environment than Democrats. Yellowstone and Yosemite were both started by Republicans and Theodore Roosevelt had most of the land in Northern California made into National Parks. So how come Al Gore has been making a living off of it when there is no evidence of it?

57745061 by NASCAR Says.
How Will Kasey Kahne's move to Hendrick Motorsports effect him while he with Richard Petty Motorsports? Well he is the teams leader that is one thing.

Amanda Bynes
Is that girl really really awesome? Well Amanda Bnyes does look good in just about anything.

Does that show just how amazing Ross Brawn really is, when Honda pulled out of F1 Brawn took complete control of the team and renamed it Brawn GP and the team won at their first race in Australia.

Even after losing to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton was made Secretary of State and demolished foreign policy with Israel.

Was Heinz Harold Frenzten the other German fighting Mclearn while Michael Shumacher was sidelined after breaking his leg at Silverstone in 1999? Well his brother Ralf was still in contention.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Why does Obama think the Tea Party is ridiculous. The government is taking us on just about everything and he finds it amusing.

Until Fernado Alonso and Robert Kubica began their F1 careers, no one in Spain or Poland even knew what F1 even was. Now Spain has two circuits Barcelona and Valencia.

This is nonsense the government is taxing us on everything and were going to get to the bottom of this.

Stewart-Hass Racing will be ready for the All Star Race in May with Tony Stewart who won last year's event and Ryan Newman who won it in 2002.
Is that a zombie or is the Republican party on the road to nowhere. Well there is nobody who can take on Barack Obama like Newt Gingrich took on Bill Clinton.
Isn't that stupid that Barack and Michelle would do date night rather than help the country. That is just stupid.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Was that Mika Hakkinen at his peak? Well he was defending his world championship in 1999 but it wouldn't last for long.

It was FDR and the New Deal that turned the Depression into the Great Depression. All he was doing was pushing for government through federal programs.

How come the Obama administration is demolishing foreign policy with Israel? He's done nothing to help Israel but turn his back on Israel.

Is this exactly what Lewis Hamilton wanted to win the Monaco Gp just like Ayrton Senna did? Well he did win it in the wet.

These people aren't causing any harm. So why has the Media been giving them a bad image?