Friday, August 27, 2010

Will Power isn't ready to give because of weak oval racing. Dario Franchitti is now ready to take the fight to Power to defend his title. Even if has a pole on an oval and lead laps means he still wants to challenge Franchittti for the title.

Now more than ever talk radio has made more Americans belive that Barack Obama is a Muslim. Is that really the truth?

Charlotte is the headquarters of Nascar and that is where all the team are located. Jeff Gordon won his first race at Charlotte in 1994 and Jamie Mcmurray who was subbing for Sterling Marlin won his first race there in his second start.

Despite being credited for ending Brad Pitt's marriage to Jennifer Anniston, Angelina Jolie is a woman with passion. She won an Oscar and a Golden Globe depsite her unusual past.

Lets hope they take more vacation because we won't have deal with them anymore. This really shows how lazy Barack Obama has been since taking office, he's done nothing about the economy.

The Indycar series has seemed to turn its back on ovals and has exspanded into road and street courses. Since 2005 there have been six new road and street courses added to the Indycar series. Does that mean the series is becoming what Cart was like in the late 90s and early 2000s.

In 1848 revolutions brooke across Europe in France, the German and Italian states, the Austrian empire, and Poland. These people where destroying their own government because of the absolute rule that there governments had.

Next to his two titles in Cart, Gil De Ferran is proud to have won the Indianapolis 500 in 2003 before he announced retirement in August. De Ferran raced in both Cart and Indy car and won two titles both back to back in 2000 and 2001.

The war in Iraq has divided the country something unseen since Vietnam. Now Obama wants to invade end the fighting in Iraq to take on the Taliban.

Dario Franchitti is on a mission, to defend his championship against Penske who has been dominating the road and street circuits all year. Ganassi is now ready for three titles in a row.

Have we forgotten about the Civil Rights movement? The legacy of Martin Luther King Jr has been erased and his dream could disappear.

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What has been going on with Angelina Jolie? She's not going to marry Brad Pitt considering both of her marriages ended in divorce so if she did marry Brad Pitt he wouldn't love her.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kyle Busch has finally done, by winning all three races at Bristol in all three series. Kyle has now shown he do anything he puts his mind to.

Napoleon Bonnaparte lead the French Army from Alexandria, Egypt to Moscow, Russia. He was unknown who dominated Europe in the first decade of the 19th century ruling an empire unseen since the Romans.

Tony Kanaan was the team leader at Andretti Autosport from the start, he completed every lap when he won the championship in 2004 and won a race every year from 2003 to 2008. He's now become one of the best drivers of all time.

This mosque should be relocated to the Bronx's or Brooklyn, or even New Jersey. Not near a site were radical Islamic terrorist murdered thousands of Innocent lives.

Scott Dixon has had an amazing career, he won his first race in his first start, then after two difficult and frustrating seasons he returned to bring Ganassi back to where he left off in 2003. Now with Dario Franchiti as his teammate the Ganassi team is back where it belongs.

When World War II began, the United States was 19th behind Belgium and Romania. But we worked hard by darting men were inexperienced, we were able to defeat the Nazis and Japanese to make our army where it is today.

Angelina Jolie has brought the game of spying and espouse back to where Sean Connery left off. Salt has really shown she is still great.

The mosque being built near Ground Zero will be named Cordoba where the Muslims slathered thousands and took the city. The Muslims really are violent and ruthless.

This must have been Bristol's greatest two races ever. In March, Jimmie Johnson won his 50th race at he struggled so hard to win on. In August Kyle Busch finally swept the weekend something has been trying so hard to do.

Michelle Obama's fight against childhood obesity has gone to far. Now she says that junk food is bad, it allright to eat some junk food but not all.

Glenn Beck's 8/28 rally at the Lincoln Memorial might have shown his goal to get American to return to religion. He has pastors on his shown to show that America was founded as a Christian nation.

David Coulthard
The Italian F1 Grand Prix
The Belgian and Italian Grand Prixs are two of F1's most popular races. The Belgan Grand Prix has always been a favorite for drivers as well as Monza another historic tracks were Ferrari was always the favorite.

Angelina Jolie has two sides, one a s beautiful woman and the other is her unusual side which included her blood necklace for her ex husband Billy Bob Thorton and her obsession with death. Angie is a wild thing.

Even if he has won the championship in road road, Will Power has all ready shown he can get the job done on ovals. He took a pole at Iowa and lead at Chicagoland meaning he's not ready to give up.

Even if his middle name is Hussein, Barack Obama is a Christian considering he attended the radical United Trinity Church for 20 years. He did go to a Muslim school but still considers himself a Christian.

Sam Hornish Jr was the winiest driver in the Indycar Series. Last year Scott Dixon surpassed him by winning at Mid Ohio meaning he's now the Indycar series all time winner.

The war in Iraq brought down Saddam Hussien and had tried and executed. But the war continued after Saddam's death.

Bristol has been one of Jeff Gordon's best tracks, he there from 1995 to 1998. He won the night race only one in 2002. But he love to end his longest winless streak at one of his best tracks.

Barack and Michelle Obama really want to see America go bankrupt? They keep spending more money on vacations and all of it is coming out of the taxpayers.

Ryan Briscoe was able to recover from an accident that nearly ended his career and return to contend for a championship. He was third last year and has won one race this year.

When Glenn Beck spoke at the Lincoln Memorial, he must have explaining how the Progressives destroyed America. Every time he talks about Woodrow Wilson, he like I hate that man considering he was responsible for replacing faith with social justice.

Last year at Infineon, Dario Franchitti became the second driver to win a race by leading an entire race. In 2003 Scott Dixon lead the entire race at Richmond when he won his first championship.

Islam is not a religion of peace, it is a religion of violence. The Ottoman Turks were known for their bloody sieges and almost took Vienna in 1683. That showed the Muslims would never give up without a fight.

Obama Family 1
Barack and Michelle Obama can enjoys more vacations, once there out of office. With his polls falling does Obama want to be a one term president?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Last year Sebastian Vettel came close to becoming the youngest ever world champion. This year he is trying to join Michael Shumacher as Germany's second world champion and with two wins, he been falling behind lately but he's still have some catching up to do.