Monday, November 23, 2009

A Barack Obama Action Figure, geting the job done in Afghanistan and his years a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago, and lets not forget blaming Bush for everything. No we can't.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Going Rouge Running for President in the United States for dummies.
The squel to the Regan Revolution the Palin Revolution.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Look similar? they sure do, Obama following in the footsteps of Tricky Dick.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The real Wicked Witch of the West Nancy Pelosi.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Taking back Congress again just like in 1994.
History in the making, a black president and a Catholic president, however their is only one problem media coverage. During the 1960 campaign Kennedy's Catholic faith was a major issue because Americans were worried of about the relationship between church and state. In the 2008 election, Obama's relationship with his pastor for 20 years Reverend Jerimah Wright also caused controversy, during the primaries, Wright began to make racist and controversial coments, however unlike the media in the 1960 campaign their was no coverage of the Reverend Wright issue and Obama did very little compared to when Kennedy spoke in front of Christian Ministers in Houston and talked little about his religion while Obama did nothing at all.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Obama thinks he's Kennedy remember Ich Bin Ein Berliner?
Getting ready for 2012 Barack. You know you are going to lose reelection.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

We don't want peace, we want pieces. Death to America.
Obama wants to work out problems with Iran. But the worse thing is they keep violating their deadlines and America is doing nothing about it.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why does nobody like me anymore? I campaigned on a platform promising hope and change that would bring the United States into the 21st Century but nothing is working.

American war heroes through time, from George Washington to John Mccain Happy Veterans Day.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Did the Fort Hood Murder have relations with terrorist? he sure did.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Na na na, hey hey hey goodbye. Farewell to Nancy Pelosi in 2010.


This is why more Democrats have been in the White House during weak economies. Should the incumbent president take the blame for a weak economy? the answer is yes but how will he fix it? By taking complete control of government that anwser is no.

Don't worry this might hurt but this will bankrupt the entire country. If I sign it into law this will put the entire United States out of work.
Socalism through time, when Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Vladamir Lenin, and Bentio Mussolini are combinded this is what you get Barack Obama a true Communist and Fascist.
Celebrating 30 years of hating Israel and counting. Yes Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Israel will disapear from the map.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Who is responsible for this, Jimmy Carter's infamous usage of human rights in foreign relations ended what was the greatest relationship the United States has had with a Muslim Nation and they hate us 30 years and counting.

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I have the same views of Gay Marriage as Barack and I get very little respect.
Who is the better dancer Barack or Michelle?

Its all over for Obama Care. Yeah this is only the start to the end of Obama Nation.

My government is no different that anyone else in the world or is it?
Is this relationship starting to fade away. This relationship that lasted for nearly the entire 20th Century that included the Fireside Chats as well as events like Pearl Harbor and the Watergate Scandal, but now under the the fascist Obolini the famous relationship is starting to fade away.