Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bill Clinton supported Barack Obama saying that Obama ran a good campaign. But now he must hate him.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Harry Hopkins started Social Security and was close to Stalin. Social Security is in a coma and retirement is becoming impossible to afford. Its all the Democrats fault.

Kasey Kahne's future might be unknown. But it is good to see Richard Petty Motorsports switch from Dodge to Ford.
This is worse than 1968. Chavez and Ahmadinejad are dictators who hate freedom of speech. Anf the worst thing is America is doing nothing about it.

Don't worry, fans will get use to this all over. Mainly because Carl Edwards will be back in 2010.

This is why American public schools are out of control, its all unions fault.

Why does Denny Hamlin hate Brad Keslelowski? That remains unkown.
This is why blacks have an unusual names. Just look at Kanye West and Barack Obama. Kanye sounds more black than Barack.

Welcome back Michael. After being retired for three years. It is great to see you back in F1.

It is incredibly stupid for Obama to shutdown Guantanamo. He now is relocating prisoners to his backyard, it is just stupid.

Jimmie Johnson is far better than Cale Yarbourgh. Johnson grew up in the 70s idolizing Yarbourgh and considered him one of his heroes. It was only 30 years ago from 1976 to 1978 that Yarbourgh won three straight championships then all changed in 2006 when Jimmie Johnson won his first championship and he won two tying Yarbourgh and a fourth in 2009. Deja Vu all over again.

The greatest movies all came out during weak economys. Just look Jaws and Star Wars came out during the energy crisis of the 1970s and The Wizard of Oz came out during the Great Depression.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Scott Brown isn'r relating to James Brown. For one James Brown is black and Scott Brown is a white New Englander.

The reenactment of the Boston Tea Party. Dumping Obama's promises of hope and change into Boston Harbor. Nothing has changed in one year.

Fighting back, we can't take it anymore. We're not going to get taxed anymore so we have to fight this.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

We took on the Democrats in Massachusetts and won. The Democratic Party's dominace in Massachusetts is over for good.

Brad Keselowski spent two years with JR. Motorsports and drove part time for Hendrick but with no Hendrick rides available, he moved to Penske in 2010.

The accomplishments of Ted Kennedy, he let a woman drown in a car. That shows that he has done nothing.

Dumb Sitcom Characters
Ashton Kutcher getting a makeover. I don't see that well on That 70s show he did with Mila Kunis.

Scott Speed has now gotten used to Nascar after one full year in the Nascar. After a disapionting and tough first year in Nascar he's sure getting used to oval racing.

It is amazing how far aviation has come from the day when Orville Wright's first flight at Ktty Hawk, North Carolina. Just look at how far aviation has come, the Apollo program took humans to the moon in the late 1960s and early 70s. What's next Mars here we come
The Camp David Accords failed and that is one of the reasons why there is conflict in that area.

Even a devout Christian like Jimmy Carter would dare set foot in a Catholic Church. Lets no remember that Ted Kennedy threatened his reelection bid in 1980.

Look similar to Carter? Obama with a shovel not that different.

The Democrats now have control of the White House as Congress. That is not the government that the founders wanted.

Its all the government's fault why spending is destroying America. Do the Democrats really want to bankrupt the country.

Even after leaving office, Jimmy Carter still likes sweaters. Especially those that show the failures of his administration.

Friday, January 22, 2010

It is great to be back where I belong. Dario Franchitti spent one year in Nascar but it failed and his team was shutdown due to lack of sponsorship. In 2009 he returned to Indy car and won the championship. What a comeback good luck in 2010.

John Mccain's liberalism is what cost him the election. He's just too liberal to a real Republican.
If the government keeps spending more money every day when we are the worst economy since the Great Depression. Thats show that more spending is making a bad economy even worse.

A bad economy is like a bad back. Just ask those who have been effected by Obama's taxes.

This is far from over, just because Scott Brown won Massachusetts dosen't mean I will have government run health care signed into law.

Mayor Quimby of the Simpsons is obviously based on Ted Kennedy. He speaks in a Massachusetts accent similar to the late senator.

Is this what we need in a First Lady? Michelle Obama said she was never proud of her country until Barack took the lead in the primaries.

If 2009 was a tough year for Barack Obama, 2010 will a disaster for him. It will four years of a bad economy, weak leadership, and bowing to forgein leaders.