Monday, October 12, 2009

Does Biden really need a brian? Yes he does.
Inappropriate for a president. It is completely inappropriate for a president to wear a collared shirt and jeans. A president should wear the appropriate suit and tie.
He only won it because his isn't George W. Bush.

American foreign policy from FDR to Obama.

Does Al Gore really care about the Earth or is he full of hot air? First of all he flies around on private jets and pollutes the environment, what a hypocrite.
boxchocolates2.jpg box chocolates 2 image by beckyrisner
Are those chocolates gone bad.

Wimps through the ages.
He must be running late?
You have the wrong street.
How to avoid World War III. A harsh lesson from the Truman adminastration.

This has to go.
Anyone who disagrees with me is a racist.
Lets settle this once and for all.
We were against war.

End of an era. Is the dollar's days and capitalism over?

Similarities to the 60s.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Obama o lini

This is going to going to make things worse.
Our enemies support Obama.
Not the right type of chocolate.

Taking on Obama Nation.

Pelosi in the 60s.
War is right.