Friday, October 9, 2009

It is now official Barack Obama has now won the Nobel Peace Prize. For doing what? he fired the executive of General Motors, violated the Constitution, held conferences with dictators at the UN, and won't take action in the fight against the Taliban. Sweden also gave Jimmy Carter the Nobel Peace Prize for resolving conflicts between Israel and Palestine by meeting with terrorists and they also awarded it to Yasser Arafat who murdered thousands of his own people. It was also awarded to Al Gore who flies around on private jet, however the Nobel Peace Prize goes to real peace makers who have worked hard for peace. For example Theodore Roosevelt who resolved a war between Russia and Japan in 1906, Woodrow Wilson for the failed League of Nations that the United States never joined, Cordell Hull for his work as an ambassador durring World War II, as well as George Marshall for helping aid Europe after World War II and Henry Kissinger but I think Obama dosn't deserve this because he has done nothing except ruin this great country.

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