Friday, December 18, 2009

Is Global Warming real? Former Vice President Al. Gore says so he think Carbon Dioxide causes global warming but there one colossal problem there is no evidence of it. In reality Gore flies on private jets and lives in a home takes takes up more energy than any other home in the United States. During his 2000 presidential campaign Gore was using private jets, while campaigning in New Hampshire and flew on Air Force Two to Washington DC while emitting 22 thousand pounds of Carbon Dioxide. In Bill Clinton's final state of the union address the president addressed that global warming was the real threat. the following day Gore returned to New Hampshire while emitting another 22 thousand pounds of Carbon Dioxide. In conclusion Gore wasn't the only candidate who used private jets George W. Bush and John Mccain both used private jets but Gore the environmental preacher who wrote about the threat of global warming in 1992 eight years before he was flying around on private jets. The result saw Gore win an Oscar and Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 and while he preaches global warming he is still using private jets meaning the truth can be inconvenient.

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