Sunday, October 31, 2010

Nancy Pelosi really show be Cruella De Vil for Halloween. Look in 101 Dalmations Cruella kidnapped the Dalmatians for the fur just like Pelosi is demolishing the American economy with her massive spending. That would be the right costume for Nancy Pelosi because she is a real life Cruella De Vil.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Joe the Plumber is the example of the American dream, he was a hard working man who represented the average American. Now the American dream could be dead because Obama wants your money to spend it on useless junk and destroy our country.

Kevin Harvick is still in the fight for his first Sprint Cup title while next year Budweiser will sponsor him. Last year Harvick and RCR were a mess this year they have rebounded and Harvick could possibly win give RCR its first title since 1994.

With only two days left until the November mid term elections, the best costume must a Tea Pot considering the Tea Party has been pushing to take back Congress. Look they know there going to win while the Democrats are dead meat.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

CART World Series
The street circuit in Edminton and Cleveland both have a lot common considering they are both located near an airport and the city skyline can be seen. The Cleveland street race once held a night race in 2003 while the Edminton has only been around for 6 years.

Monday, October 25, 2010

This is the legacy of Jimmy Carter, gas lines that were common during the Carter Administration That was what made Jimmy Carter weak because he did nothing about the gas lines and put in no effort to resolve the crisis.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Even if she's weird due her blood vails that she wore during her marriage to Billy Bob Thorton and that she demolished Brad Pitt's marriage. Angelina Jolie can still make great movies and if she nearly destroyed herself by cutting herself and doing drugs Angie has improved considering she is a mother of six children.

Michael SchumacherF1 Grand Prix of South Korea - Race
Ferrari was the right place for Fernando Alonso considering he ended the dominance of Michael Shumacher in 2005. Now after wining the inaugural Korean Grand Prix, Alonso now has the points lead and hopes to pick up were Shui left off.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Founding fathers lived the American dream considering they fought an absolute monarch who threatened there every day life. Now today, we are fighting that same conflict only its our own government.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

CART World Series
Sebastian Bourais and Sebastian Vettel were once teammates now its Vettel who is being seen as the next Michael Shumacher while Bourdais is another open wheel failure in F1 like Alex Zanardi. Yes Bourdais was a four time champion in the old Champ Car series but he did failure in the same way as Zanardi did in the 90s.

Barack Obama must now consider himself a dude considering that he might be mocking Sarah Palin's husband Todd who was known as the first dude. Look that would never happen if George W. Bush were still present.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Don't count Mcleran out, Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button aren't done, Fernando Alonso has had an outstanding first year with Ferrari wining four races. Don't count out the British dream team because they are far from done.
With only two weeks left until the November mid term elections, there are now people saying Fire Pelosi because of all the damage she and a Democratic Congress have done to America. There bankrupting us with their irresponsible spending that's going to see the dollar and capitalism dead. The only to fix America is to vote these politicians out of office.

With only three days left until the November midterm elections, the Republicans must be ready for victory considering with Scott Brown taking Ted Kennedy's Senate Seat in November the Republicans could easily take back Congress and Barack Obama will be a one term president.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Angelina Jolie showed she is still a great actress despite all of the inappropriate things she does like steal married men. Angie still looks beautiful, sexy, and talented.

Paul Tracy & Dario FranchittiCART World Series
Even if he was Dario Franchitti's teammate for 5 years, Paul Tracy knew he would stay in Champ Car while Franchitti went to Indycar with Andretti Green. Tracy then had compete with Brazilian Bruno Junqueria who was runner up three times in Champ Car and Sebastian Bourdais who would go on the win the last four Champ Car titles.

Uncle Sam is now becoming Daddy Sam, the government is now determaing what you do. They now determane health care and what cars we use. The government wants our money and they want to spend it on useless junk that we don't when we are dealing with an economic crisis unseen since the Great Depression.

The Busch brothers have been dominating Nascar, Kurt has won the inaugural Chase in 2004 and Kyle has been setting records that include sweeping a weekend at Bristol. But can those two brothers win a championship?

With Republicans wanting to take Congress back with the Midterm election only three weeks ahead. More conservatives are related to Obama now that's irony. Palin isn't the only liberal to be related to Ofailure, Rush Limbaugh, Dick Chenney, and the man who Obama blames for the economic crisis George W. Bush. So Barack does have a lot to be thankful for.

Illegal immigration and the drug violence south of the boarder just show how we make Mexico problems worse. Mexico is a mess considering how weak its government is and that is the reason why so people are escaping to America because they can't support their in Mexico and the United States is the only country were they can find work.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Adrian Newey now his best days were with Mika Hakkineon and Mcleran when they won back to back titles in 1998 and 1999. Now with Red Bull and Sebastian Vettel, Newey's cars are unstoppable but can do what Hakkineon did which is win championship.

Angelina Jolie looked cute as a little kid but she nearly destroyed herself with her bad habitat of cutting herself and her addiction to drugs. She stoped speaking to her father after her second marriage ended. Angie is a man-eater considering so many men have fallen to her. She then demolished Brad Pitt's marriage to Jennifer Anniston but she wrote a letter to Anniston finally ending her feud with Angie.

Jamie Mcmurray is still continuing a career year, after four difficult years at Roush, Mcmurray returned to Ganassi where he started in 2002 and now he has won at the same track Charlotte Motor Speedway where he won in only his second start.

Michelle Obama launched a massive imitative to fight childhood obesity to fight childhood obesity, the irony is she eats out with her girls. Yes that is real irony because Mrs. O started a massive imitative to take on childhood obesity when really she is eating junk food.

The Progressive are the reason we don't learn about Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, and George Washington. Progressive has the word progress and the progressives pushed for serious change considering we are taught lies in our schools. For example during Thomas Jefferson was a pacifist when were fighting the Barbary Pirates our first major conflict. Hillary Clinton considers herself a progressive than a liberal considering Woodrow Wilson demolished the legacy of our founders and arrested thousands who were against the United States involvement in World War I. FDR was also a progressive considering and the United States was the only country that referred to as the Great Depression because of the New Deal.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Will Power nearly gave Penske another open wheel championship but now its all up to Brad Keselowski to deliver the Captain his chances of a championship. Even with all of the ups and downs Penske has never won a Nascar but could this be the year Penske gets a Nascar title? Well Keselowski has been on top of the Nationwide series so this could be the Penske's best chance for a Nascar title.

When Obama gets to India, the Barack Bow will be back considering he's been apologizing to the world since taking office. The bowing must show how weak he is considering he is a community organizer who has done nothing in his life.

Eddie Irvine
Eddie Irvine could have been the man who saved Marinello, after Michael Shumacher was sidelined for the second half of the 1999 F1 season, Irvine was the man who challenging Mika Hakkineon while Shumacher's replacement Mika Salo lost to Irivine at the 1999 German Gp.

Angelina Jolie and Uma Thermon might be the toughest female action stars of all time, Angie does all of her stunts while filming SALT and Uma Thermon broke out of a coffin in Kill Bill Volume 2. Angie and Uma are tough but the rumor that Angie brought down her marriage to Ethan Hawke are false because he slept with the nanny and they is the reason she divorced him.

The Obama family vacation have really tough us a harsh leason about how irresponsible government spending is. News flash we the taxpayers are paying for everything vacations to Marbia and Martha's vinneyard as well as date night in New York City have all come from the taxpayers and 30 rooms in Marbia cost at least 75,000 in taxpayer money when the United States is enduring the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Mrs. O deserves to be called a modern day Marie Antoinette because between people dying in the Gulf and people were out of work and Michelle just went on vacation with her two girls.

Alex Zanardi
Juan Pablo Montoya

With three straight titles, Ganassi has returned to the days of Alex Zanardi and Juan Montoya considering Ganassi won four straight titles in the 90s. Alex Zanardi won back to back titles until he moved back to f1 in 1999 when Juan Montoya who was racing in Europe replaced him in 1999. Montoya was dominant while Zanardi endured a frustrating return to F1 dominating the 1999 season.

If George Bush was hated during his eight years in the White House than Barack Obama must hated even more than Bush was. When Bush was sworn in for a second term, people were fed up with Republicans and the following year a Democratic Congress replaced a Republican one. But with his polls falling more people strongly dislike Obama.

Jamie Mcmurray got to victory lane by wining in only his second start, now he's back with the same team were he started his career Ganassi only this time he's won the two biggest races. What a turn around from not even being sure what his future was, Mcmmurray will never forget his 2010 season despite missing the Chase.

Spreading the wealth is wrong, this is the worst economy since the Great Depression and the last thing we need is more government and higher taxes. He fired the head of General Motors and passed a massive health care bill that nobody even read. News flash the goverment is making an even bigger mess and there not going to clean it up.

The dominace of Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button has resulted in a comeback for Mcleran Mercedes that has seen two world championships Jenson Button and Lewis Hamilton wining. Fernando Alonso's first year a Ferrari has also resulted in four wins and several podiums. Felpie Massa pulled a Rubens Barrichello when he let Alonso pass him on the first lap. That did bring memories of the 2002 Austrian Grand Prix but does that mean Alonso is better than Massa?

Despite all the inapropriate things Angelina Jolie does like demolished Brad Pitt's marriage and let little children play with knives, Angie is a mother of six even if she can be a little weird. The brunette bombshell is still herself and a man-eater who steals married men.