Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Juan Montoya's open wheel career saw him win the Cart championship as a rookie and then the first driver since Graham Hill to win the Indy 500 in his first attempt. After wining racing in Indy cars and F1, Montoya is in Nascar were he is all ready the first forgein born driver to win multiple races both on road coarse but what Montoya really want is a win on a oval.

Barack Obama is going to be making his second state of the Union address next week, sure he'll speak about the economy but will he mention gun control? The right to bear arms is the Second Amendment to the Constitution and after that shooting its clearly becoming a problem.

Honda Indy 300
Dario Franchitti has been around since the Cart and now he has won back to back champions in the unified Indycar series. After being runner up in 1999, Franchitti now has three championship and two Indy 500s meaning that after a failed attempt at Nascar, Franchitti is a competed open wheeler.

Sarah Palin's poll numbers are now starting to fall, perhaps her handling of the Arizona state shooting she's not the favorite to run in 2012. She's like a punching bag for the liberals but she always responds. Look she's beating the liberals because Fox News is reporting while others like CNN aren't

Now that Don't Ask Don't Tell has been repealed, can the government finally get out of the issue of gay rights once and for all? Look gays should be serving in the armed forces and the government could do nothing about that.
Chris Dyer and Fernando Alonso - F1 Grand Prix of South Korea - Race
Felpie Massa does not a repeat of 2010 considering he was getting beat by his teammate Fernando Alonso. Alonso's first year at Ferrari was perhaps his greatest season of his career but when he joined Ferrari, he was clearly beating Massa meaning he now the leader at Ferrari.

Neither Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie want a custudy fight if they break up. With rumors of the two having their seventh child, its still unkown if they will marry or if they have more kids. Look the only reason Angie would weed Brad would be to please their children but that might not happen.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Brad Keselowski's first full time season as a Sprint Cup driver was mediocre, yes he didn't run as well as he did in the Nationwide series that saw him win the championship. But now Keselowski is driving the Blue Duce one of the most famous cars in Nascar and he could abandon being a full time Nationwide driver because he could win a few races with the Blue Duce.
Dick Chenney was a civil servant who served his country and did nothing wrong, then why is he hated? It might be because of his heart attacks or his years as the CEO of Halliburton. Look Chenney not that bad considering all he did was serve his country as a civil servant, he's not that bad.

Michael Andretti's years in Cart saw become one of the greatest racers in open wheel racing wining one championship and 43 races. As an owner he won both three championship and the Indy 500 as an owner. Now Andretti's team isn't as strong as it used be, for a driver who was one of the best in the Cart years, Andretti is going to have to fix his team if he wants his team to win more championships.

Its now time to accept the fact that China could easly surpass us as the dominant nation, America ours China debt and Obama done nothing about China. The Chinese have been ahead of America for the last two years and there economy is booming while ours is weak.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Jenson Button got off to a good start with Mcleran wining at Australia and China but was never as strong as his teammate Lewis Hamilton who was ahead of Button for most of the season. Even if Mcleran didn't win the world championship, it was good to see the former world champions wining.

Angelina Jolie only wants to continue to be with Brad Pitt because she cares about her kids and she doesn't want to lose them. Perhaps neither Brad or Angie would want to deal with a custody fight over who gets to keep the kids. Perhaps the Jolie-Pitt weeding would never happen because Brad couldn't take caring for six children.

Denny Hamlin might not have won the championship last year but it was outstanding how he overcame a broken knee to be runner in the championship. Hamlin's seven wins last year have really made him a championship contender despite being in Nascar for only five years.

Sarah Palin's repsonce to the Arizona shooting has resulted in death threats, if she is hated so much why do many people want her dead? It might because of the Tea Party movement and how got the Republicans to take back the House. It might have to do with the Tuscon shooting hat to do with repealing the Health care law or is it something else.

With all of the records Kyle Busch has set in all three of Nascar's touring series, is he ready for a championship? He allready has a Nationwide series but Kyle cares more about wining races than a championship. But after sweeping an entire weekend and wining 13 races in a season, a Sprint Cup championship has yet to happen.

Barack Obama went from Jimmy Carter to Bill Clinton in two years, following losses in the 2010 midterm elections, Obama's polls are on the rise meaning he might get reelected. The only thing that has to be seen is how is he going handle the new Republican House?

Gil De Ferran spent four highly successful years with Penske and he won two Cart championships and Indy 500s. After being retired from driving, De Ferran is back with his own team. After driving in the American Le Means series, De Ferran is now part of unified Indycar series.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is really out of his mind, he denies both the Holocaust and 9/11. Look Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollahs hate America and Israel, Iran and the rest of the Muslim world views America and Israel as the enemy and they really want to eliminate us. All of this does show is that the Muslims are just out of control.

Sebastian Vettel only wants to go to Ferrari because it built the career of his hero Michael Shumacher. Until Shumacher joined Ferrari in the mid 90s, Ferrari was a weak team but then Shumacher turned into a wining force. Vettel did the same thing with Red Bull competing against Mcleran and Ferrari to become the youngest ever world champion.

The Salt premiere really did Angelina Jolie at her best considering she actually look good in that black dress. That really was perhaps Angie's best premiere of all time.
During his years in Cart, Dario Franchitti did race against Chip Ganassi, now Franchitti is a member of that team. After losing the championship in 1999 due to a Franchitti, he's now a three time champion of the unified Indycar series wining back to back championships. Franchitti really has become one of the greatest of all time.

Is Barack Obama ready to make the same political comeback that Bill Clinton made after a Republican takeover and get reelected? Sure Obama's polls fell last year, but this year his polls are starting to rise meaning he could possibly get reelected. But there is a major problem between Clinton and Obama, Clinton knew how to work with Republicans while Obama can't.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Jimmie Johnson has come a long way since his 2002 rookie season when was brought in by Jeff Gordon and won two races. Now he's a five time champion, after tying Cale Yarbourgh some thing no driver could ever do, Johnson won another and then another to become perhaps the greatest Nascar driver of all time.

Sarah Palin might not run for president considering she's making a ton of money working with Fox News but she's renewing her Sarah Palin's Alaska. She has been considered the favorite to run against Barack Obama but she really want to do it?

With Pennzoil returning to Penske, Helio Castroneves could possibly win his fourth Indy 500. Even after pleinng innocent for tax evasion, Helio did his third Indy 500 and is now eying a possible third win. Even if he never wins a championship in Indycar, Helio still could tie Foyt, Unser, and Mears and win a possible fourth 500.

Angelina Jolie never envisioned herself as an actress who has won an Academy Award and a responsible mother. Even if she did have the goal of becoming a funeral, Angie is proud of her accomplishments even if she has sleep with married men and have tattoos.

Medic Drug Grand Prix
Alex Zanardi might have won back to back championships for Chip Ganassi in the mid 90s, but Juan Montoya's dominance brought Ganassi's dominance in open wheel racing to its all time greatness. Alex Zanardi's return to F1 was mediocre but Montoya was dominant with Ganassi wining seven races on route to the championship. Montoya really did drive like a champion when he was in Cart considering his 1999 championship was the fifth for Chip Ganassi.

Wasn't it stupid that Barack Obama did even knew any players for the Chicago White Sox. Last year when he threw out the opening ball last year, he didn't even know any players for the White Soxs, how stupid is that?

(L to R) Second placed Red Bull Formula One driver Mark Webber of Australia, team-mate and winner Sebastian Vettel of Germany, Red Bull's technical chief Adrian Newey and third placed Ferrari Formula One driver Fernando Alonso of Spain wave on the podium after the Japanese F1 Grand Prix at the Suzuka circuit October 10, 2010. REUTERS/Vivek Prakash
Sebastian Vettel now wants to drive for Ferrari, there is only problem, Felpie Massa has a contract with Ferrari and after losing to Fernando Alonso who Massa blocked at Hockenhiem. Vettel might have beaten Ferrari to the world championship but how will if Vettel does want to be a Ferrari, Massa will have to shape up or Vettel could easly replace him.

Somebody is going to have to take on Barack Obama in 2012 but right now we don't even now who its going to be. Sarah Palin has been seen as the favorite to run against Obama but how she is doing at Fox News she might not run. Mitt Romney and Mike Romney both have platforms but Romney's Mormon faith might cost the election. Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich have been seen as clear favorites, but Gingrich might not run despite being seen as a favorite considering he took on Bill Clinton.
Sure Ferrari won their first constructors championships in 1999 with Eddie Irvine but Michael Shumacher really did bring the team back to dominance. Shumacher sat out for most of the 1999 while Irvine was out wining races for Ferrari. In 2000 Shumacher brought Marinello back its wining ways becoming Ferrari's first world champion in 20 years. Michael Shumacher might have been the reason why Ferrari is the greatest F1 team of all time.

The only real reason why Angelina Jolie would marry brad Pitt is if one the kids asked Angie if she would ever marry Brad she would say yes. Sure Angie handled responsibility carring for her first child Maddox and her humanitarian work. But then Brad got her pregnant and she ended up having six children. But with a family of six, does Angie really want to marry Brad or does she want to have more children?

Kevin Harvick wasn't even sure he would even continue driving for Richard Childress at the start of the 2010 F1 season. Harvick was eather going to be a free agent at the end of the season or resign with Childress and he did resign with Chidren, a team that made an enormous come back that saw Harvick continue to drive for Childress with Budweiser as his new sponsor and all three cars made the Chase.

Chinese takeout must now be called debt considering all of the debt we oue to China during the recession, we oue money to China and that officially makes debt takeout.