Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Its now time to accept the fact that China could easly surpass us as the dominant nation, America ours China debt and Obama done nothing about China. The Chinese have been ahead of America for the last two years and there economy is booming while ours is weak.

1 comment:

  1. Uhmmm you might want to remember that only about 95% of the country is developed. Once you leave Shanghai, Beijing etc there is nothing but poor, uneducated and agricultural areas. that means that of approx 1 billion people, a small part of the population is industrious. Let's see if China can avoid a housing crisis (imminent) and let's see them develop their infrastructure. They have no national internet or broadband, no cell towers (outside of major cities) etc. People forget that in the USA-EVERYONE has access (that doesn't mean they can afford it) but access to cellular, cable, internet etc. Not to mention the services our govt provides that CHina does not do.
