Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sarah Palin's poll numbers are now starting to fall, perhaps her handling of the Arizona state shooting she's not the favorite to run in 2012. She's like a punching bag for the liberals but she always responds. Look she's beating the liberals because Fox News is reporting while others like CNN aren't

1 comment:

  1. well, the liberals should understand the facts before they start crying. The map SP used was a DEM map. The word "crosshairs" has many meanings....I mean it is ok for libs to use language such as "...kill Bush..." SP should have been aborted etc. Hate the hypocrisy! Further, Libs should remember there was a very successful CNN show called.....CROSSFIRE!!!! (Gee and that happened when Timothe McVeigh and Columbine happened.....just sayin')
