Saturday, May 21, 2011 ahead

After racing for the Cart championship in 1999, Juan Montoya and Dario Franchitti have been part of Chip Ganassi's superteam. Montoya won the Indy 500 in only his first attempt in 2000 becoming the first rookie winner since Graham Hill in 1966. Franchitti who was runner up to Montoya has won the Indy 500 and has to championships.
Sebastian Vettel Celebrities watching the 2011 Grand Prix Australia at Albert Park in Melbourne, Australia. Sebastian Vettel wins the Australian Grand Prix, Lewis Hamilton second, and Vitaly Petrov third.
Sebastian Vettel knows the Mcleran is the team to beat not Ferrari, Fernando Alonso might have finished on top of the podium but Lewis Hamilton and Mcleran are the only ones who are fighting Red Bull and Hamilton is ready for another world championship.
What must be going through Angelina Jolie mind? Look she wore vails of blood during her marriage to Billy Bob Thorton and worte her future husband's name Johnny Lee Miller in blood. Angie has done some crazy over the years especally when she kissed her brother at the Oscars when she won for best supporting actress in Girl Interupted.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Formula One World Championship
Formula One World Championship
One after losing the championship to Alan Prost, Ayrton Senna won his second championship. Prost who was runner up to Senna continuing the rivalry between the two. Senna was clearly had beaten Prost in 1990.

Sean Connery - James Bond
Sean Connery will always be considered the greatest James Bond of all time. His role as James Bond really defined him and he will always be seen as the greatest James Bond.

Al Unser Sr. and Rick Mears could possibly be the Greatest Indy drivers of all times, Unser won it back and Mears had the most and was the first to win from the pole. Another reason why they are considered the best is that the drove for the Penske team.
Brad Keselowski was only four years old when Bobby Allison was involved in a terrible crash at Talledaga that saw the start of restrictor plates being used at superspeedways. Allison and his son Davey went one-two at the 1988 Daytona 500 that was also the first race to use restrictor plates.

Its now offical, Donald Trump is not going to be runing for president after all. He might have been doing it for the money or was it that he really did care about the future of America. That might never be known.

The Finish

At the stat of his career, Dario Franchitti was competing against Ganassi especally when he came close to wining the championship. Franchitti dosen't have to worry about that anymore considering that he has now won the last two champions and is one of the all time greats.

Once called Mentally ill by her father Oscar wining actres Jon Voight, Angelina Jolie has been known to do weird stuff. She wrote her future husband's name in blood on her weeding dress and during her second to actor Billy Bob Thorton she wore vails of blood. Lets not forget that she kissed her brother at the Oscars once.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The two greatest upsets in Nascar were when Derrike Cope won the Daytona 500 after Dale Earnhardt had a flat tire and Jamie Mcmurray wining in only his second start. Cope like Mcmurray was a little known driver from the northwest and he ended wining the 1990 Daytona 500 one of only two wins. Mcmurray also shocked the Nascar world by wining in only second start.
Sean Connery is perhaps the first and greatest James Bond. He was the man who started it all and he took on some of the notorius villians of all time including Goldfinger and Blofeld. Connery was and will always be James Bond.

Saturday, May 7, 2011 One World Championship
Alan Prost and Ayrton Senna teammates for two year, Senna won his first world championship in 1988 and the following year, the two competed for the world championship. At Suzaka, Senna took out Prost and Senna was disqualifed giving Prost his third world championship.
Cale Yarbourgh would rather be remembered for the fight in the 1979 than his three championships. From 1976 to 1978, Yarbourgh won three straight championships driving for Junior Johnson. After his third title, Yarbourgh drove a limited schedule only competing in 18 races.
Penske dominated Indy in 1988 with all three cars on the starting crib and Rick Mears won his third Indy 500. Mears allready had won the Indy 500 twice but his third win so his career at Indy at its peak and he was just getting closer to become the third four time winner. Mears might be retired as a driver but he was one the best to drive at Indy.
Angelina Jolie doesn't even care about marriage, she just cares about keeping her six children and not having having to go trough a custody struggle. Angie might have taken her relationship with Brad Pitt a little to far but she's not going to give her six children.
Barilla and Miss Indy
Dario Franchitti must be doing what Alex Zanardi did in the 90s, dominate open wheel racing. Zanardi won back to back championships for Ganassi in the mid 90s just like Franchitti has done except Franchitti has won the Indy 500.
Bill Clinton considered the 1993 world trade center bombing a crime rather than an act of war, Clinton took zero initative to fight Al Qeada and as he didn't even do anything about the attack. The result saw Al Qeada declare war on the United States and Bin Laden for saw a black day for America.
Greg Sacks and Jamie Mcmurray are perhaps two of the greatest upsets in Nascar, at the 1985 Firecracker 400 Sacks drove a blank car with no sponsor to his only win, Mcmurray replaced Sterling Marlin in 2002 won in only his second start. When Sacks won in 1985 his teammate Bobby Allison must have gone crazy considering that he was an upstart driver while Mcmurray replaced Sterling Marlin who had the points for much of the 2002 season. One World Championship
Alan Prost and Nelson Piquet were clearly the dominant drivers in the eighties, Prost won world championships in 1985, 1986, and 1986 while Piquet is a three time world champion. Prost might have won back to back world championships but Piquet clearly was the best.
With Osama Bin Laden dead, is now the right time to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. The Taliban have trying to take back Afghanistan since losing power and they're not going to give up without a fight. A withdraw might just one example of Obama's weakness considering the Taliban could win.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Another Fast Lap
Juan Montoya has been known to win things in his first attempt, he won both the cart title and Indy 500 in his first start. Montoya also became the first rookie since Graham Hill in 1966 to win the 500 as a rookie. Montoya's accomplishments really has shown as one of the best.

Angelina Jolie might be a great actress considering she won an Oscar for her role in Girl Interupted but she has crazy side. She wore vails of blood during her second marriage with Billy Bob Thorton and kissed her brother at the Oscars. Angie really done some weird things over the years like kissing her brother.

Ned Jarrett was a two time Nascar champion wining titles in 1965. After wining his second championship Jarrett decided to become a broadcaster where he got to cheer for his son Dale's first Daytona 500 win in 1993. One of the most respected men in Nascar perhaps a better broadcaster than driver something his son has done after retring.
Is Chris Christie going to run for president or not? Its rumored that Christie isn't going to run but if he does he does stand a good chance at taking on Obama in 2012.
Formula One World Championship
Was Michael Shumacher clearly better than Ayrton Senna? Michael Shumacher might have won seven world championships and rebuilt Ferrari but Senna was the master of qualifying before Shumacher surpassed his record of poles. Senna was three time world champion and won his third world championship when Shumacher began his F1 career.

The Two Mitts
Mitt Romney's days a presidential candidate are over considering how much of a disaster Romney care was. Look the Republicans aren't even sure who's going to run next year and one thing is for sure, its not going to be Mitt Romney.

Should Jimmie Johnson be booed because fans are getting feed up with wining, Darrell Waltrip got booed in the 80s considering he won championships in 1981, 1982, and 1985. Like Waltrip, Johnson is at the height of his career, he's won five championships in a row something that might never done.

Osama Bin Laden is now Osama Bin Bye Bye because he was shot and killed. After the September 11th terrorists, a man hunt for Bin Laden went on for the next 10 years. Bin Laden sent two videos one before the 2004 presidencal election and another in 2007. Thank god he's dead. Zanardi fashion
Dario Franchitti must be another Alex Zanardi considering that he has won the last two Indy car titles. Zanardi won back to back titles for Chip Ganassi in the mid 90s just like Franchitti began his career when Zanardi was at his peak and he won in Vancouver when Zanardi won his second championship.
The reason why Angelina Jolie took her relationship with Brad Pitt a little to far was that fact that she ended up having six children including twins. Yes Angie did the relationship to far after her twins were born and the rumors about them having Down Syndrome broke out.

Bill Clinton took absolutely no imitative to fight Osama Bin Laden. Clinton did nothing about the first World Trade Center and pulled troops out of Somalia in 1993 that saw Bin Laden say that he saw the weakness and cowardliness of awards. Al Queada then bombed the American embassies in Africa and then attacked the USS Cole and Al Queada declared war on the United States declaring that a black day would happen for the United States and that happened on September 11th. All of that would have never happened if Clinton actually did something about Bin Laden.